What are your values?

I have a list of really important values, and the top three for me are:

  1. Integrity
  2. The Golden Rule – “Treat others the way you want to be treated”
  3. Dependability

Integrity means sticking to a set of moral or ethical values, being honest, and staying complete and undivided in those principles (source: http://miriams-well.org/Glossary/).

The Golden Rule is all about treating others how you’d want them to treat you in the same situation. To put it into practice, you’d imagine being in their shoes and then act accordingly. If you treat someone a certain way but wouldn’t want to be treated like that, you’re not following the rule (source: http://www.jcu.edu/philosophy/gensler/goldrule.htm).

Dependability is simply being reliable and someone others can count on (source: http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=dependability).

These values mean a lot to me, especially in my work life. Without them, it’s really hard to lead or manage a group successfully. I’ve had countless experiences where I’ve relied on these values. Among the three, I use the “Golden Rule” most often. At my workplace, I make a point to greet and talk to everyone as if they were the Vice President of the company. I introduce myself to all new employees, whether they’re in my team or not. I treat everyone with respect, from the top to the bottom of the organization chart, using proper titles like Ms., Mrs., or Mr. When I talk to them, I use polite terms like yes ma’am and no sir. I think it’s important to treat people the way I want to be treated. Just because someone works in housekeeping doesn’t mean they don’t deserve respect. Housekeeping is vital, and I make sure everyone understands that.

Whenever I meet people, I often recognize them. People wonder how I know so many people. It’s because I take the time to get to know them and make them feel special, both in the organization and in society.

In the reading “Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership,” my values align with social and religious prototypes.

Now, it’s your turn! Share your top 3 values in the comments section.

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