Climb and Maintain

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like a sacrifice? Have you ever felt like no matter how much you give, love, or try, it’s never enough, or you always fail to achieve the goal, or you are blamed for everything that goes wrong. I refer to this feeling as turbulence. I fly weekly for my job; most of the flights are smooth with very little turbulence. There have been a few flights with major turbulence. The pilot would get on the intercom and say, there’s a storm ahead; you will experience a few bumps, buckle up your seat belt. We are going to climb up higher over the storm. Once the pilot climbs up above the storm, you see the sun shining bright. The ride up could be full of bumps, rain, lightning, and thunder, but the pilot must keep climbing.  I encourage you today to buckle up your seat belt and climb above your problems, pain, suddenness, disappointment, and evil people. Keep climbing until you see the sunshine; climb and maintain your focus. Raise above the negativity.

We live in an evil world, most people do not want to see you succeed nor do they understand where you are headed. Many people do not care enough to help or encourage you. Even though it’s painful, do not allow them to slow you down nor deter you. I needed answers and was scrolling through a Youtube and came across a video of Tyler Perry. He shared stories about his life. The title of the video was God will show you the way. This captured my attention, so I decided to listen.  Grab your coffee listen to the video, then let’s talk.

When you face uncertainties. Climb and Maintain! Do not turn around or give up! God will show you the way. It is not going to be easy or comfortable, but do not quit.

Let’s Talk:

Wellness Check; how are you doing today?

Are you feeling like giving up?

What did you think of the video?

Name a few essential points that stood out to you.

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