Coffee and The Bright Side

There’s a bright side somewhere; never give up. During my meditation time this morning, the words of an old gospel song came to mind. I wanted to encourage and empower someone reading the post never to give up and keep working until you find the bright side. I do not mean heaven. There’s a bright side on earth waiting for you. Your bright side is near. Grab your coffee and read the words of the old gospel song, then let’s talk about finding your bright side.

Wow! That was a powerful message. There is a bright side somewhere. I am sure you are thinking, how do I find this bright side. That’s a great question. You have come to the right place for the answer.

You find your bright side by never giving up. That sounds too easy, right? It is easy to say, but often hard to do, in the midst of trouble, failures, disappointments, sickness, and death.

It’s especially hard during these times because the easy way out is to do nothing. The easy way out is to blame other people. The easy way out is to ease the pain with drugs, alcohol, sex and eating. Sadly, the easy way out for some is to end their life. DON'T DO IT! There is a bright side, don’t stop, until you find it. First, you must know that troubles will come, it’s a part of life. If you start to feel defeated or discouraged here are a few steps to consider on your journey to your bright side.

Consider these steps:

  • Acknowledge that a change must occur now!
  • Commit to knowing that it’s ok to have low points, sadness, failures, and discouraging moments.
  • Commit to never giving up
  • Commit to knowing your worth and value
  • Commit to forgiving you
  • Commit to knowing what’s in your control
  • Commit to knowing that there is a way out and the bright side is near
  • Commit to changes and doing things differently
  • Commit to opening your heart to new ideas and concepts
  • Commit to trying one more time each day
  • Commit to changing one small thing each day (Cleaning your closet, rearranging your room, updating your resume, going for a walk, visiting a new restaurant, or driving home a different way.)
  • Tomorrow get up and review your plan or decisions again
  • Commit to seeking education or guidance from an expert
  • Commit to never giving up
  • Commit to moving, removing, replacing, modifying items that hinder you (Job, relationships, people, houses, food choices, channel, music, or events).
  • Repeat the steps daily until you find the bright side

Life is going to be full of troubles, sorrows, and disappointments, but that’s no reason for you to give up. Stop being so hard on yourself. You have the power to change your situation if you do not give up. Listen to me, when your way seems dark and drear and trials are coming on every hand, you don’t have to worry, your bright side is near! DON’T REST UNTIL YOU FIND IT! KEEP HOLDING ON! DON’T REST UNTIL YOU FIND IT! YOUR BRIGHT SIDE IS NEAR!

Tomorrow as you are drinking your coffee, and looking for your bright side, listen to this song over and over!
DON’T LEAVE! Grab your coffee or favorite drink. Let’s talk!

What’s keeping you from finding your bright side?

Share with others how you found your bright side.

Would you like more information and support on this journey to your bright side? Leave your contact information and short message below.

7 thoughts on “Coffee and The Bright Side”

  1. Brenda Robinson

    Wow!! this brings back so many good memories of my home church. I can hear my Aunt Cora holding that high note and the church going in praising God.

    1. Amen! I remember the old gospel hymns and the spirit being high in the church when this song was sung.
      This song provided hope for better days to come. There is truly a bright side; never give up until you find it.
      Thanks for your positive feedback; please share this post with others.
      Dr. Linda Murray

  2. Brenda Robinson

    Thank you for these powerful words of encouragement. Continue to allow God to use you for his Glory.

  3. Thank you Dr. Murray for allowing God to use you to be a blessing to His people. Your blog is just what we need in a time such as this. Looking forward to greater, greatness.

    1. Greetings

      Thank you so much for your positive feedback! Stay encouraged and empowered. Remember, the race is not given to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Keep Going!

  4. Alfreda Reese

    Dr. Curry,
    I cannot thank you enough for these encouraging words. So very noted that they truly lifted my spirits. Especially that one sentence “Commit to seeking education or guidance from an expert!” You I have definitely given me a great wealth of information to deal with. Your kind heart and willingness to spend time with God’s people helping them along the way. I Am committed to accomplishing this task before me, God willing! Thank you does not express my gratitude!!!

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