Coffee and Restoration

Never be afraid to admit that you need to be restored. Restoration means the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition. Get your coffee or special drink., I want to share something that happened to me last week. I manage my website and blogs. If you have maintained a website before, you know that it is very time-consuming and forever changing. There is always something to change, update or modify.

One of my plugins (Apps) needed to be updated. Something went wrong in the update and it deleted my calendar. I tried everything to correct the issues. Hours later, I was still unable to see my calendar. Things continue to get worse. I tried everything. I even reached out to my support team. I had made so many changes, they were unable to resolve the issue. Honestly, they could not trace or track all the changes I made over the past three days. Doesn’t this sound like life?

Once we identify a problem, we try everything to fix the issues, only to make it worst.
After five days, I reached out to my hosting company and asked them to restore my website from two old back-ups. It took the hosting company 30 minutes to restore the website back to the way it was before, I made the changes. A burden was lifted. I stress for seven days for nothing. I am sharing this story to empower you to embrace restoration.

Sometimes you may have to start over. Starting over may mean changing jobs, leaving a city, or relationship. Restoration for you may mean clearing your schedule and taking a break. It may mean, turning off the phone or disconnecting from social media. It may mean painting your room a different color to cover stains and spots.  
The main point here is to never be afraid to ask or embrace Restoration. Restoration is essential to self-empowerment.

Reasons to Restore

Improve your health and wellness

Ways to Restore

Talk about your feelings.

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