Opportunities To Speak Up

“Do not think that because you are in the king’s house, you alone, of all the Jews, will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish.

And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:13-14, NIV). Just as in the story of Esther, you may be pondering an opportunity to speak out. It is my hope that after watching the video, you will be empowered, motivated, and compelled to speak up and speak out!

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Grab your coffee or favorite beverage; let’s have another empowering conversation. Read the questions below. Before you respond, think about Esther, The Woman with an Issue of Blood, and other powerful women that you know. Can you imagine the courage it must have taken for Esther to approach the King without fully knowing if her voice would be accepted? We need to develop the same courage to move forward, in the midst of fear.

Such A Time As This

The book of Esther is one of only two books in the Bible named for women. In the story of Esther, you’ll meet a beautiful young queen who risked her life to serve God and save her people.

When we look at the life of Esther throughout the book titled in her name, this phrase actually refers to Esther being scolded for her self-indulgent, self-preserving mindset. In today’s language, we might call that being “shot down” for having narcissistic tendencies! Mordecai reproved Esther for living large and embracing royalty over righteousness — selfies over service.

Through those telling words, he reminded her she had been chosen to set her own interests aside, let go of her own ambitions, and face an enemy full-on. She was to risk her life and her legacy with no guarantees of a positive outcome. That’s the “for such a time as this” Mordecai challenged Esther to accept. Dr. Tony Evans has more to say;  Click Here:  https://proverbs31.org/read/devotions/full-post/2019/01/14/for-such-a-time-as-this  read more and get a divine perspective; from a prolific man designed by God!

I’m Speaking! Women Disruptors

I am honored to be a co-author of the legacy edition of I’m Speaking. This project was created to expose and discover the voices of women who have been silenced! Like Esther, we had a choice to remain silent or let our voices be heard by rewriting the rules of engagement to encourage and affirm powerful women disruptors.  

To learn more about the book and the amazing authors, click here: https://best2succeed.com/product/speaking-women-disruptors/

Additional Resources: https://best2succeed.com/audiobooks-cafe/

Special Thanks to my co-host and co-author Lady Lakeisha Wilson.  Learn More about her at: https://ladykei.com/

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