Coffee and A Positive Attitude

Maintaining a positive attitude towards yourself and others is essential. With all the things going on in the world today, it is crucial to control your attitude. You may be asking, what does attitude have to do with empowerment? Attitude is an essential part of empowerment. Your attitude empowers you and others. Kindness, understanding, and a soft response go a long way. Sometimes overlooking mistakes and failures enable others as well as empowers you.

You may be asking how that is possible? Let’s say you burned dinner after a long frustrating day in the office. When your spouse arrived home, immediately he smelled the burnt food and saw you in the kitchen trying to save the meal; rather than making a comment or criticizing, he walked swiftly to the bedroom, ordered door dash, filled the tub with water, and poured a glass of wine. He returned to the kitchen without saying anything negative and escorted you to the bathroom for a warm bath. He only said four words, relax. I will finish dinner. You can imagine how this story ended.

Attitude is everything!

Having a positive attitude over the burnt meal empowered both you and your spouse. We must learn to leave room for people to be human, which includes making mistakes. Having the right attitude can save the day, a marriage, a business deal, or even someone’s life. On the other hand, a negative attitude could lead to low self-esteem, lack of confidence, arguments, or the loss of a relationship or friend. How we treat others does matter as well as make a difference in their life.

A friend shared the story below. Get your coffee (I am drinking Salted Caramel)or favorite drink, read the story, and let’s discuss the importance of having a positive attitude.

We’ve all been around when someone’s cell phone went off at the worst possible time. I know I’ve definitely shot a side-eye before in the theatre when I was engrossed in a movie and someone’s phone went off–RING! So when I came across the following story online, it definitely made me think! The following story is about a man whose cell phone went off during church. But what happened next, is a real eye-opener!

Story About A Man Whose Cell Phone Went Off In Church
By Stacie Marshall On January 4, 2019

A man went to church. He forgot to switch off and his phone rang during prayer. The pastor scolded him. The worshippers admonished him after prayers for interrupting the silence. His wife kept on lecturing him on his carelessness all the way home. One could see the shame, embarrassment, and humiliation on his face. After all this, he never stepped foot in the church again.

That evening, he went to a bar. He was still nervous and trembling. He spilled his drink on the table by accident. The waiter apologized and gave him a napkin to clean himself. The janitor mopped the floor. The female manager offered him a complimentary drink. She also gave him a huge hug and a peck while saying, “Don’t worry man. Who doesn’t make mistakes?”. He has not stopped going to that bar since then.

Lesson: Sometimes our attitude as believers drives souls to Hell. You can make a difference by how you treat people, especially when they make mistakes. 

What does having a positive attitude actually means?

Do you possess a positive attitude?

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