Let’s Talk About Love

Love is a term that is used a lot, but at the same time not expressed enough. What is love? Can you see love? Can you feel Love? According to the dictionary “Love” is an affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests. According to the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:4-5: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Get your Coffee or Special Drink, I will wait! Let’s talk about Love!

One of the key elements to self-empowerment is love. You must first love yourself. Loving yourself teaches you to love others as well as understand yourself inside and out. It is imperative that you know the inner you. We focus far too much on other people. What they say or do not say, what they think about you and your decision is not as important as you actually knowing you. I am not saying that caring and loving others are not important, but you first.

Getting to know and loving you is sometimes hard to do. You may feel alone but take time and discover or rediscover yourself and your likes and dislikes. Consider what makes you unique, as well as ways you are like others, and your responses to situations. Get in tune with your feelings and emotions. Map your desires and weigh the pros and cons in the context of how those desires fit with who you are. Knowing you is loving you.

If you are afraid to love yourself others should be afraid of loving you. In that same vein, if you are afraid of being alone with yourself, others should also be afraid of being around you. Being alone teaches you to love yourself, what you possess as well as where you are mentally, spiritually and emotionally, right now. The only judge is you. Knowing yourself, regardless of the condition or circumstance, can help you teach others how to respect and love you. It supports your ability to tell others what you need to move forward in the relationship. Let’s be honest: if you do not love yourself and trust yourself without supervision or a crowd, why should others? Yes, I am repeating myself, because you need to hear it over and over. “It’s ok, to be alone”. It’s ok to be in love with yourself.

Have you ever written a love letter to yourself? If no, why not? Get your Coffee or Special drink; let’s talk about love. Leave a comment below? What’s keeping you from loving you first?

5 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About Love”

  1. As Terrell Owens would say, I love me some me… LOL. On a serious note, people only love how they know to love. It takes a mature person to learn a person’s love language and apply it, plus be able to share and know what their own love language is. Love is a feeling that can fade away, so I focus on always learning, listening and observing my wife.

    1. Thank you, Brian, for your comment. I agree with you. As you stated: Love is a feeling that can fade away, so I focus on always learning, listening, and observing my wife. That’s beautiful! The bible states: And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. Continue to love yourself and your family.
      Dr. Linda

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