Negative or Positive Energy

Are you aware of the Energy that Empowers you as well as the Energy that drains you?

Understanding the energy around you is essential to your next move and healthy life. Have you noticed that you are more productive, happy, and relaxed around certain people or environments? Have you ever said to yourself, Wow! I got so much done today or we worked some long hours, but it was an Awesome day?

On the other hand, have you noticed that five minutes in the presence of some people, or environments you are exhausted? Your energy, patience, and tolerance are totally depleted. Have you experienced, working only half of a day and you were drained? Have you experienced a day in the office, when you accomplished nothing, and for the most part, did nothing all day, but you were drained? Have you found yourself acting out of character, simply because of the energy around you?

If you have experienced this, there may be nothing wrong with you. The energy around you, either Empowers or Drains you! To balance and control your inner energy, you must first perform an evaluation to determine the type of energy that you need to be empowered as well as the type of energy that drains you. I was reading a Facebook post of a friend. She stated ” I have learned the type of energy that serves me as well as the type of energy that drains me.


Energy Matters: Empowering or Draining

There are two gravitational energies: Negative and Positive. The strength of the gravitational attraction between Negative and Positive represents the amount of gravitational energy in the field which attracts them towards each other. If you surround yourself or family around more negative energy you will gravitate toward the negative energy and become angry, bitter, stressed, complacent, confused or depleted. On the other hand, if you surround your self with positive energy, you will gravitate toward peace, a feeling of accomplishment, and the ability to achieve goals. To be empowered you must position yourself so that you are in the field of more positive energy than negative.

It’s a new year and you must start gravitating toward the positive energy leaving the negative energy fending for itself. How is this accomplished? First, make a list of the environments or people around you that Empowers you as well as a list of the environments or people that deplete your energy?  It is impossible to remove all negative energy or people, but you can be more aware of who’s empowering and supportive as well as who’s depleting you.

Let’s talk about your energy and the type of energy you need to be positive and productive. Share your thoughts below in the comments.

Do you have people or situations in your life that are draining your energy?

4 thoughts on “Negative or Positive Energy”

  1. I find that the more I realize what is my business versus what is other’s business, I can better stay in charge (no pun intended) of my own energy. Healthy boundaries have proven to be an effective strategy for both recognizing and learning how to navigate the various energies we encounter in life. Learning my top and bottom strengths has been essential!

  2. Gail Lenore Miller

    I am clearly aware of what is positive energy and what is negative energy from people, places, and things. I have learned how to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative the best to my ability – sometimes one has to roll with the punches. Basically, what I just read here is confirmation.

    1. You are correct; thank you so much for your feedback. Question: What do you do when people with negative energy try to change your decisions, directions, or day? How do you remain positive?

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